Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat (YAG)
Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) is a synthetically produced crystalline compound with good transmission behaviour in the wavelength range between 0.25 µm and 5 µm. The material is suitable for use in IR and UV optics. The mechanical and chemical stability is similar to that of sapphire. However, unlike sapphire, YAG does not exhibit birefringence and is easier to process. YAG has no absorption lines in the 2 µm to 3 µm range, where glasses usually have high absorption due to the strong binding of water molecules. YAG is widely used in high temperature industrial, medical and scientific applications due to its high strength and other properties such as high laser damage threshold (LDT), high refractive index, good thermal conductivity and lack of absorption in the 2-3 µm range. Yttrium aluminium garnets are grown by the Czochralski method or horizontally.
Undoped YAG single crystals can be polished to laser quality and are therefore suitable as substrates for optical components such as light guides, prisms, mirrors and windows for endoscopes. Furthermore, doped YAG laser crystals are bonded to undoped YAG substrates in high-power lasers to improve heat transport.
Optische Eigenschaften | |
Transmissionsbereich in µm (Minimum 10%) | 0,18‐6,4
Transmissionsbereich in µm (Minimum 50%) | 0,2‐6,2 |
Brechungsindex @633nm | 1,829
Reflexionsverluste in % an 1 Oberfläche @3µm | 7,9
dN/dT in 1/K | 5 · 10-6
Physikalische Eigenschaften | |
Dichte in g/cm3 | 4,56
Schmelzpunkt in °C | 1950
Spezifische Wärmekapazität in J/(kg · K) | 628
Thermische Leitfähigkeit in W/(m · K) | 13,1
Thermische Ausdehnung in 1/K | 7,8 · 10-6 (111) 7,9 · 10-6 (110) 8,2 · 10-6(100) |
Dielektische Konstante | 7,75
Wasserlöslichkeit in g/100g | unlöslich |
Mohs-Härte | 8‐8,5 |
Knoop-Härte in kg/mm² | 1350 <100> |
Materialtyp | Einkristall, synthetisch
Kristalltyp | kubisch |
Kristallstruktur | m3m
Gitterkonstante in Å | a = 10
Elastizitätskonstanten in GPa | C11 = 333 C12 = 111 C44 = 114 |
Elastizitätsmodul (E) in GPa | 280
Schubmodul (G) in GPa | 113 |
Kompressionsmodul (K) in GPa | 180 |
Biegefestigkeit in MPa | 150
Elastizitätsgrenze in MPa | 280
Poissonzahl | 0,17 |
Spektrale Eigenschaften | |
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Probendicke: 1 mm |